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Carnival Eats is the show that celebrates the larger-than-life characters who create and sell the amazing, awesome, wacky, ingenious and outrageous culinary concoctions found at midways and carnivals across North America.
From the California State Fair where Spaghetti Ice Cream is all the rage to the Oak Mountain Spring State Fair where Alabama delicacies like BBQ Baked Potatoes and Cheese-Stuffed Grilled Pork Balls are plentiful, get ready for the food-frenzied roller coaster ride of your life as our host discovers food in every imaginable shape, size, colour and combination, all while sharing tips and tricks for surviving the midway munchies.
With thrill-seekers constantly craving more eccentric treats, there’s no doubt these carnival connoisseurs will keep pushing the boundaries of the edible, making us all feel like we have to eat it to believe it.